Emily’s coaching has been incredibly valuable. It has given us the opportunity to take a step back and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Senior Leadership Team. By doing this we can better convey our strategic goals against day to day activity, resulting in more clarity of decision making.
This has had a significant impact on the business by enabling us to make more considered, but still timely, decisions and properly relay these decisions to the management team resulting in clearer direction. We feel we’ve also significantly grown as a team.
Culture Development
Your people are the beating heart of your organisation. Optimising your workplace culture will enable them to perform to their best so you can collectively deliver outstanding results for your business.
I work with companies of up to 50 people who are committed to creating change in their working environment and transform the way their organisation works, leads and collaborates.
A healthy and high performing culture is integral to your business performance.
If you picture your business as an arrow,
- The tip of the arrow is your company’s strategy
- The shaft, its performance
- and the feathers, the soft, fluffy bits at the end are your company’s culture
Workplace culture, like the feathers on an arrow, elevates and stabilises performance in your organisation.

It enables your organisation to stay on track and hit its targets in a predictable and reliable way and drives the delivery of your business strategy, allowing you to:
- Increase your business performance and productivity
- Attract and retain key talent
- Boost employee work satisfaction and fulfilment levels
- Enhance customer experience and turn your customers into ambassadors for your brand.
- De-risk your business from practices that could ultimately hurt your reputation
The Process
Each of my culture development programmes is bespoke and reflects the specific goals and requirements of you and your organisation, but a typical culture development project will last 4-5 months and includes:
STEP 1: DiscoveryWe kick of the process with a Discovery Call with you, the founder or MD to understand challenges, culture development goals and metrics for success
STEP 2: Diagnostic1:1 interviews with a broad range of leaders and employees across the organisation, and additional stakeholders where appropriate to define your company’s current culture and the impact that has on performance, understand challenges, frustrations and positives and clarify expectations for the project
Review of relevant business materials such as business plans, purpose, values, culture surveys, onboarding documents, policies etc.
STEP 3: Codify & Assess Current CultureWe hold a series of meetings with key team members to map existing culture state using the Culture Design Canvas to drive clarity, alignment and ensure everyone is using the same language to describe the company culture. We will review current culture state with the wider team to ensure it reflects reality rather than aspiration. Finally, we review the current culture state with you the founder, to identify and prioritise areas for improvement.
STEP 4: Define Future Culture StateWe hold a one day offsite with key team members to:
- Define the new culture state
- Create implementation roadmap
- Define key culture ‘experiment’ projects and their owners
- Determine success metrics
Team Offsites are an important way for teams and organisations to release themselves from the relentlessness of buinsess-as-usual and take time to be creative, innovativate, build relationships and signal what’s important to the business for the future.
STEP 5: 3 Months’ Implementation SupportMonthly coaching sessions with the leaders of the culture experiment projects to provide accountability and support in implementation
STEP 6: ReviewInterviews with key stakeholders followed by a half-day debrief and review session with you, the founder to assess progress, agree on what to abandon, iterate or scale and recalibrate implementation roadmap
Your Investment
From £5,000 + VAT dependent on the size of your organisation.
Get in touch to schedule a free consultation today.