Elevate Your Leadership
Optimise Your Team
Scale Your Business
Your business is yours,
but you don’t have to build it alone
How I Can Help You
I partner with ambitious SME founders to scale their business by optimising their leadership, their team and their culture.
I learnt from my own experience as a founder taking a business from its beginnings through expansion to successful sale, that when your business grows and you scale beyond yourself, everything changes. You yourself must likewise evolve and grow to keep pace with the changes else you risk becoming an exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed ‘’Doer in Chief”, jeopardising progress, productivity and profits.
Ambitious companies move quickly through the stages of business growth: start up, scale up or sustained growth, value expansion and exit, with each stage providing its own unique challenges for the business and its founder.
To succeed, you must learn how to lead high performing teams effectively, manage change, resolve conflict, inspire your people, scale operations, handle investors and drive business results, all whilst trying to retain time and some semblance of sanity!
Unsurprisingly, many founders tell me that they struggle to navigate these growth transitions in their business.
The good news? One of the best aspects of owning your own business is that you have the unique opportunity to make powerful shifts in how you lead and manage, and I’m here to support you create an environment in which you and your employees can thrive, find fulfilment and contribute to your company’s success.
Who I Work With
At Emily Potts Coaching, I partner with you and your organisation to help you successfully overcome growing pains in your business by focusing on three main areas:
You – I support you, the business owner to make the transition from founder to confident CEO, supporting you to elevate your leadership capabilities to match the demands of a rapidly growing business, as you become the catalyst for creating sustainable business growth through a high performing team.
Your Leadership Team – No business can outperform its leadership team. I help you transition from a disparate group of experts to an aligned and vibrant team whose value to the business is greater than the sum of its parts.
Your People – I help you to challenge the way you manage your organisational culture. You know that your people are your biggest asset and the beating heart of your business, but are creating the environment in which they can reach their full potential? I can partner with you build a healthy and high performing culture based around trust, collaboration, and excellence where every member of staff is fully equipped and supported to excel so they, your customers, and your business can thrive.